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Data Structure: Queue


In this Blog, we will be discussing QUEUE
Implementation of QUEUE is little bit Different than STACK.
Understanding QUEUE:
A stack is something that like a bunch of plates arranged one upon another that follows the principle ‘last in first out’
But in Real Life, we are though practical. Let’s suppose in Ticket Counter of a Railway station we cannot follow the principle like ‘last in first out’. We need to change the system like first come first serve basis ‘First in First out’.

So, the basic difference between stack and queue is:

So Implement this operation similar to stack but take some different as well as we will encounter First in First out,
Here is one example of Question :

Write a C program to implement QUEUE using an array. This program must include the following
functions in it.
a. Write a function to INSERT an element at the REAR position of the QUEUE.
b. Write a function to DELETE an element from the FRONT position of the QUEUE.

c. Write a function for “Display” operation which prints the content of the QUEUE.

Here is the correct code:


  1. If you could kindly give the option to compile it, It will be really helpful


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