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HTML Basics


HTML: Hypertext Markup Language. Used to create web pages.

World Wide Web Consortium is an organization that defines new specifications for HTML and is
responsible to update the language.

HTML allows you to format, arrange, and group text, display text as links and add images and
multimedia to a web page. It allows you to create and work with style sheets, controls, and embedded
scripting language code (such as JAVA, PHP,) on a web page.

HTML is written in the form of tags, which are by pairs of angle brackets (< and >) and some text
placed between these brackets. HTML consists of elements name attribute name and contents.

HTML tags, elements, and attributes are collectively known as HTML markup.
(However <br> and <hr> do not have any content, therefore they do not need closing tag).

< element-name attribute-name = ”attribute-vaue” > content </element_name>

Most of the HTML attributes are name-value pairs, separated by the = sign.

(However, some attributes, such as ismap attribute of the <img> element is written without

specifying a value for it. Attributes values should be enclosed with either single or double quotes.

HTML document structure:

HTML header example:

HTML paragraph example and alighment
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

HTML backgroud colour

<body style="background-color:powderblue;">

HTML paragraph alignment:
<p align="right">
I am happy!


HTML font size and colour:
<font size="20", font color="red">Keep Quite!</font>

HTML links

<a href="base_3.html">html basic continue</a>

HTML image

<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42">

That's Enough, for now, we will discuss further later blogs.


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