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Showing posts from February, 2019

HTML Basics

HTML BASICS HTML: Hypertext Markup Language. Used to create web pages. World Wide Web Consortium is an organization that defines new specifications for HTML and is responsible to update the language. HTML allows you to format, arrange, and group text, display text as links and add images and multimedia to a web page. It allows you to create and work with style sheets, controls, and embedded scripting language code (such as JAVA, PHP,) on a web page. HTML is written in the form of tags, which are by pairs of angle brackets (< and >) and some text placed between these brackets. HTML consists of elements name attribute name and contents. HTML tags, elements, and attributes are collectively known as HTML markup. (However <br> and <hr> do not have any content, therefore they do not need closing tag). < element-name attribute-name = ”attribute-vaue” > content </element_name> Most of the HTML attributes are name-value pa...

Data Structure: Queue

Queue_using_Array: In this Blog, we will be discussing QUEUE Implementation of QUEUE is little bit Different than STACK. Understanding QUEUE: A stack is something that like a bunch of plates arranged one upon another that follows the principle ‘last in first out’ But in Real Life, we are though practical. Let’s suppose in Ticket Counter of a Railway station we cannot follow the principle like ‘last in first out’. We need to change the system like first come first serve basis ‘First in First out’. So, the basic difference between stack and queue is: So Implement this operation similar to stack but take some different as well as we will encounter First in First out, Here is one example of Question : Question_3_Data_Structure: Write a C program to implement QUEUE using an array. This program must include the following functions in it. a. Write a function to INSERT an element at the REAR position of the QUEUE. b. Write a function to DELETE ...

Shell Programming

                              SHELL PROGRAMMING When a group of commands has to be executed regularly, they should be stored in a file, and the file itself executed as a shell script or shell program. Though it’s not mandatory, we normally use .sh extension for shell scripts. A shell program runs in interpretive mode. It is not compiled into a separate executable  file as a C program is. Each statement is loaded into memory when it is to be executed. Installing any Ubuntu/Linux package using the command: sudo apt-get install [package_name] Ex:         To install gedit editor           >- sudo apt-get install gedit       Creating a file in gedit editor           >- sudo gedit [file_name]       Ex:           >- sudo gedit shell_pr...

Postfix Evaluation(Single or Multi Digit) using STACK in C

POSTFIX EVALUATION WITH SINGLE OR MULTI DIGIT: Students find difficulties in finding the correct code for Postfix evaluation using Stack which works for Single as well for multidigit also; So here is the Question Format Given::- Question_2; Data_Structure:  Write a C program to evaluate the following POSTFIX expression. Use STACK to solve this problem.  INPUT: 5 6 2 + * 12 4 / -  OUTPUT: 37 Basic Understanding: Here is the Correct code:


IMPLEMENTATION OF STACK USING ARRAY Here is Example of Source Code of Data Structure-1, Question 1: Data_structure :  Write a C program to implement STACK using an array. This program must include the following functions in it. Write a function for “Push” operation.   Write a function for “Pop” operation.  Write a function for “Display” operation which prints the content of the STACK.    Basic Understanding : Push and Pop Operation: Here is How to Implement: